(under construction)
Berkey’s 1976 Union History Calendar!
(Located in February 2015)
January / The Boston Tea Party

February / Shoemakers organize in 1776

March / Demonstrating against working 13-14 hours a day, wanting a 10-hr work day from 6am to 6pm with breaks…

April / Unions supported public schools in the 1820s and 1830s…

May / Workers imagrated from Europe to the U.S. to join Unions

June / Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation that helped the Unions

July / Samuel Gompers, a N.Y. cigar maker, was the 1st president of the AF of L

Here’s a pic of the real statue:

August / Women striking in 1909 New York City (NICE ONE!!)

September / President Roosevelt signed National Labor Relations Act in 1935

October / In 1938 the National Federation of Telephone workers was established in New Orleans

November / The Social Security System was enacted in 1935

December / The AFL-CIO and CWA are headquartered in Washington DC

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NEW FOR *2015*
Another 1960 Berkey calendar — UNSEEN FOR 50 YEARS!!!
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FOR SALE / Contact Me
1980 Berkey TEXACO Calendar Original found in 2014!
It was located in the attic of a TEXACO executive in Houston…
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1965 Berkey Calendar
Located in September 2014 — it took me 5 years to locate this calendar!
*NOTE: Unfortunately someone cut out the 4th page from this 1965 calendar — so I only have 3 of the 4 pages!
This is that missing image:
This page was made into a TUCO PUZZLE…
NOTICE: The puzzle cut off the right side of Berkey’s painting — now we can finally see the entire painting!
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1980 TEXACO Calendar
It took me 4 years to find it, but I finally located the 17th and final Berkey TEXACO Calendar in September 2013!
This original art showed up in 2014!
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Berkey’s 1964 GENERAL TIRE Calendar!
This calendar was located in June 2013 by Sue Williams at an estate yard sale in Perryville, Kentucky….
(NOTE: The above painting was also made into a TUCO jigsaw puzzle.)
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Berkey’s 1982 “Great Outdoors” Calendar
(A few copies are available on eBay!)
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John Berkey’s
1981 “Great Outdoors” Calendar!
(Copies available on eBay)
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1980 Calendar / (copies on eBay!)
The prelim of this painting:
The prelim of the above painting:
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Berkey’s Fire Escape Plan Calendar Illustration!
Unseen for 35 years
Berkey’s Firemen EMTs 1976 calendar:
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John Berkey’s 1966 & 1967 single-sheet Calendars
Unseen for 45 years
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1963 John Deere Calendar
7 illustrations / Unseen for nearly 50 years!
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John Berkey’s
American Maize-Products Calendar Top
Year unknown (late 1960’s?)
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4 Newly-found Berkey Prelims
(These are for sale, contact me if you’re interested…)
…The Indians are bringing CORN to the settlers….
The 3 above are obviously 3 variations of the same scene — the 4th one below has horses & a wagon instead of canoes… these are dated 1968-69, and were probably for another American Maize Products Calendar (like the one below)!
So far I have located 43 Berkey Calendars!
19 Texaco, 4 Gulf Oil, 4 Massey-Fergussen, 1 New Idea,
3 Bucyrus Erie, 4 General Tire, 1 Brown & Bigelow reprint,
1 Water Calendar, 1 Pontiac Nature Calendar,
1 Brave Words Calendar, 1 John Deere,
the 1966 & 1967 single-sheet calendars,
1 EMT calendar, 3 “Great Outdoors” calendars,
and the above American Maize-Products Calendar!
I’ve heard of 5 more that I hope to acquire… if I’m lucky…
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Have you seen the current Kellogg’s Mini-Wheat TV ad?
It sure resembles Berkey’s 1961 calendar page!
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The Missing May Page from the 1962 WATER Calendar!
John Berkey’s painting of his Mom
When John’s sister Janice copied the 1962 WATER Calendar for me, the May page was “missing” — years ago she had removed it, trimmed off the bottom part of the calendar, and she framed it and hung it on her wall… and then she remembered that it came from the WATER Calendar and her daughter Patty photographed it for me — It’s a little sun-faded and the green grass & trees have turned a little bluish, but here it is — John Berkey’s painting of his Mom hanging up clothes in the backyard of his parents house in Excelsior!
And their dog was named Bingo…
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John’s Portrait of his Sister Janice
John did this portrait of his sister Janice Berkey Knapp in 2006, and it was the last portrait John ever painted before he passed away.
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John Berkey’s 1962 “Water” Calendar
Donated by John’s sister Janice in May 2012
January / “Measuring the Snow Pack”
February / “Man-Made Waterways”
March / “Food from the Sea”
April / “The Spring Rain”
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May / “Cleanliness and Health”
**((missing from Janice’s calendar))**
The May page has been found!!
It’s posted nearer the top of this page!
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June / “Family Recreation”
July / “Refreshment”
(Janice tells me that this painting was of the Kerber family farm, which is no longer there and has been replaced by a big square New Age Church…)
August / “Irrigation”
September / “Water and Industry”
November / “Fire Protection”
December / “Winter Fun”
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1973 GMC Pontiac Calendar (just 1 painting)
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Albert Einstein’s Desk
Albert Einstein worked at Princeton when he died on April 18, 1955 — below is Berkey’s painting of Einstein’s Princeton desk and office — Berkey started doing art for Brown & Bigelow in 1955…
BELOW is a photo of Einstein’s desk when he died — Berkey obviously added the famous E=mc2 equation and a few other things onto his painting of the blackboard, and shifted certain items around, but the pipe and the tobacco humidor and glass vial are still in the painting…