John Berkey’s Boats/Ships/Subs (And Airplanes)
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There are over 100 people painted into that crowd scene!
And here’s a close up of the riverboat…
2 prelims for this painting:
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Delta Queen Art
This 1988 CRUISE TRAVEL magazine says that John did a total of 9 riverboat art print paintings — I’ve only found 3 of them so far…
BELOW: This is the 1st time I have ever seen Berkey sign his art “John Berkey”!!
Berkey’s riverboat art prints on my living room wall….
The prelim of this beautiful painting:
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Berkey’s “Damaris” Riverboat Foil Print

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A Mystery Riverboat Print
Another John Berkey Riverboat/Steamship (I’m hoping to acquire a clearer pic of this painting someday)….
Berkey’s 1988 Delta Queen was reprinted here in 1999
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Thin Air
Berkey’s 1978 THIN AIR cover that has never been included on any checklist nor posted anywhere else…
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In January 2012 this cruise ship disaster happened…
Berkey illustrated a similar scenario in his 1979 Beyond the Poseidon Adventure book cover:
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A Big Surprise:
John Berkey’s 1975 BERMUDA TRIANGLE Board Game for Milton Bradley!!
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Hazard’s Command
Hazard’s Command from 1972 (no one else on the Internet has ever posted the complete cover until now, nor was it listed on Jane Frank’s Checklist — if you look at the pic near the top of this page with John standing next to the display of his books, this book is in the top right corner!):
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The survival story of Bill and Simonne Butler adrift for 66 days in a six foot plastic life-raft with John Berkey’s 1991 cover art:
BELOW: Another of the prelims for Berkey’s raft painting:
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Berkey’s 1966 University of Minnesota Medical School Art Print
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The riverboat portion of Berkey’s 1971 YOU ROLLING RIVER bookcover:
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John Berkey’s 4 PORTAL PUBLICATIONS Posters
All 4 of the PORTAL poster prints from 1977 are waaaaay “OUT OF PRINT”:
Another version…
BELOW: The same two paintings as they appeared in B&W un-cropped in ILLUSTRATORS 23:
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This prelim for a water skiing calendar illustration is currently for sale on eBay, and below it is the finished art….
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A Titanic Prelim….
BELOW: This one may have been printed in Readers Digest Condensed Books “The Sinking of the Lusitania”…
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An Art Print
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The Feb. 1986 DISCOVER magazine Flying Wing cover & interior illustrations:
Berkey’s 3 prelims:
((( These just surfaced in December 2012!! )))
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1982 FIGHTER oversized softcover book cover:
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A really nice Brown & Bigelow silver foil print (year unknown) of Berkey’s AERIAL PIONEERS planes (I would really like to see this original painting!)… and the other 3 foil prints of the set….
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Plane Crash!!!
ABOVE, the ILLUSTRATORS XX plane crash —
BELOW: The “repainted” plane crash illustration with a taller building in it….
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A Berkey fighter jet done for a 1990 Readers Digest story:
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Berkey’s Jet Plane from his ROAD TO GOLD bookcover:
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Berkey’s 1983 FIVE DOWN& GLORY (he got no name credit in this book):
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