John Berkey Art – Page 2
It’s always nice to see a Berkey painting/print respectfully framed!
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Japan Theme Park Art
Contact me if you are interested in buying either of these 2 originals!
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Good Housekeeping
BELOW: It took me nearly 2 years to locate it, but here is John Berkey’s 2nd of two illustrations he did for GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Magazine — this one was in the March 1985 issue…
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Another Recent Find
Dec 1983 Good Housekeeping / a reprint of Berkey’s Dec 1976 calendar page:
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BELOW: This “Out of Time” prelim sold on eBay for $322 in April 2011:
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Eddie Bauer Art
BELOW: EDDIE BAUER has unveiled a new ad display in their stores in March 2010 where they have reprinted some of their old catalog covers, including John Berkey’s 1989 catalog cover:
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SPIN Magazine
BELOW: A friend of mine found this Berkey in SPIN magazine January 1999 and forwarded it to me — this was not on Jane Frank’s Checklist, nor has it ever been reprinted — in fact, I would guess that not one single fan of Berkey’s SF art has ever seen this SPIN magazine painting! Again, I’ve rescued another nice Berkey painting from the black hole of obscurity…
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Berkey’s 1981 MADWAND
The MADWAND promo poster next to the MADWAND book cover:
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1996 DOC book cover
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BELOW: Berkey’s “Classical Fruit” painting from ILLUSTRATORS 16:
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TRASK book cover
ABOVE: In 1969 Berkey did 15 book covers, and TRASK was one of them (and it’s never been posted on any other website)!
ABOVE: Berkey’s 1980 THE LAST DECATHLON cover (not posted on any other Berkey website).
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1977 SLIDE book cover
This cover for SLIDE is still one of my favorites where Berkey very cleverly included the book title into the painting!…
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John Berkey Art For Sale
Six Berkey originals were up for auction in 2009 at
ABOVE: Sold for $334.60
Berkey’s “Tractors” sold for $262.90 in December 2009
Sold for $298.75
Sold for $597.50
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Berkey’s Rock Garden Original
This was seen for sale on eBay for $3,000
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Late-1950’s BROWN & BIGELOW Art
ABOVE: Electricity lighted this Menlo Park home first
ABOVE: Benjamin Franklin print shop in Philadelpia
ABOVE: Washington and Lee University – Leaders in learning
ABOVE: Washington often rode with hounds at Mount Vernon
ABOVE: President Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage Home in Tennessee
ABOVE: Theodore Roosevelt’s Ranch in the Dakota Badlands
ABOVE: Christmas Eve in a small New England Village
ABOVE: The Declaration of Indepence was written here.
ABOVE: The Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede in 1216
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1979’s ILLUSTRATION XX book — they reprinted 5 examples of Berkey’s art, 4 in black & white, only one in color:
(See how much better it looks in full color!!…)
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Printed in OMNI?
A small print of this was printed in OMNI in the early 1980s, but I have no idea where it was originally published:
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Berkey’s “Shacks” Original sold on eBay June 2011 for $811
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A Berkey Farm Original
SOLD on eBay May 2011 for $861:
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Two of Berkey’s paintings were reprinted for the front & bacover of this GLOBAL WAR magazine in 2005
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A foreign magazine cover and art:
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The Illustrator Magazine 1995
This magazine featured 17 interior pages on John Berkey (but only printed paintings already seen in his books and card sets like his Towering Inferno poster, Orca, Star Wars, King Kong, etc.)…
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Berkey’s Forest Fire Watch Tower
The original art sold on eBay May 2011 for $565
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ABOVE: A Berkey building in ILLUSTRATORS 18 that looks like it might have been done for a Brown & Bigelow calendar! / BELOW: A Berkey house in ILLUSTRATORS 15:
BELOW: Oil drilling platform in a storm, printed in ILLUSTRATORS 28…
ABOVE: Perhaps one of the “oddest” Berkey space paintings… there’s something resembling a turkey gizzard head there… from ILLUSTRATORS 24 in 1983!
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ABOVE: Prelim for TSUNAMI / BELOW: 1984 book cover:
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Christmas 1991…
20 years ago you could have ordered a box of these John Berkey Christmas Cards from National Geographic!
Berkey’s SANTA ART
John Berkey did this Christmas painting of the Chapel at Annapolis for his 1967 calendar…
…and my wife Sandra went up to Annapolis to attend their 2010 Christmas music program — here’s a photo of her in front of that very building!
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John Berkey’s Winter Barn Original
(Framed & “unframed” — now owned by Doug Beekman!)
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BELOW: This very “odd” and “nothing” illustration of “Planet X” appeared in the April 1983 issue of DISCOVER:
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The Golden Oyster
BELOW: A really nice (and rarely seen until now) Berkey scuba diver cover from 1971:
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BELOW: An very “impressionistic” AFTER THE RAIN street scene — in April 2011 this original sold on eBay for$469.91
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American Artist
BELOW: This 1980 ad was also used on the cover of the December 1985 AMERICAN ARTIST magazine (I always wondered why the sky in this painting was a bright RED, and now we know why the sky was painted RED — it’s because this was an ad for Johnny Walker RED!):
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John’s 1991 Hubert Humphrey stamp

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Berkey’s 1965-69 Board Games
John and his son posed for the “Break Thru” figures playing the game!

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I hope you enjoyed seeing these “rarer” Berkey pieces — if you would like larger jpegs of any of these, just let me know! Also, if you have a collection of John Berkey covers or art that you’re willing to share, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!
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Errors on Jane Frank’s Checklist
ABOVE: While the checklist in the back of Jane Frank’s book has proven extremely helpful to track down John Berkey’s art, there were “mistakes” on the list — like these 9 books that were on the list but the covers are *NOT* by Berkey!
Jane Frank recently wrote to me to explain about the “mistakes”:
“As for the errors in the checklist, I know how that happened. Without the possibility of getting my hands on any proof of publication, I had to rely on the invoices from his commissioning agent (which he had saved). We hired a typist to input all the information: date, and working title. And in those cases where we had a picture/slide/transparency, and the painting was signed and dated, we went with that….the date of creation….both of which reasons explain how dates of 1982 can so easily turn into 1983….the publication date can only be estimated, not really known, by the methods I used for dating….but it was the best I had at the time. As you probably know by now, sometimes artwork is used immediately, within the same year, and sometimes it’s held for a while before use….”
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So MOST of the listings on Jane Frank’s Checklist are the publication dates — but lots of the dates are when the paintings were painted/commissioned, so we are left “guessing” when exactly the art was published — while I agree that it’s nice to know the history of when a painting was done, only listing the “commissioned” date can make it really difficult to track down the magazine or book that printed the painting!
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I still need to find:
Super Ship, Noel Mostert (1970s)
The Sea Witch, Alastair MacLean (NOT the 1977 Doubleday)
Our Man in Havana, Graham Greene (1980 Playboy Press)
Brighton Rock, Graham Greene (1980 Playboy Press)
Tornado, Hilary Milton (NOT the 1983 Berkley/Franklin Watts)
Black Market, James Patterson (NOT the 1986 Pocket)
The Shattered Sphere, ed Asprin & Abbey (NOT the 1986 Doubleday)
Vengeance Is Mine, Joanne Fluke (NOT the 1986 Dell)
Be Buried in the Rain, Barbara Michaels (NOT the 1988 Berkley)
Pick Up, author unknown (1992 HarperCollins)
Holt Earth Science, Fronk & Knight (1993 Holt Rinehart Winston)
Future Zone, author unknown (1993 Landmark)
Planets of Space, author unknown (1993 Ballantine)
The Empire Novels, Isaac Asimov (2002, SF Book Club)
If anyone can provide scans of these covers,
I sure would appreciate it!
Contact Jim Pinkoski via my Contact Page!